I remembered that story a week or so ago when I saw Governor Patrick “out of context” myself—in a local supermarket. Unlike the contractor, I recognized him immediately; but also unlike the contractor, I did not approach him (though I do admire him greatly and plan to vote for him again in the next State election). But lots of other people in the supermarket did approach him, and I was impressed by how accommodating he was to requests that he pose for cellphone photographs with shoppers and their children. When I went through the checkout about fifteen minutes after he did, the clerks were still buzzing about how exciting it was to see him live-and-in-person and close-up: one of them said, “It was almost like meeting Obama . . .”
Anyway, as I tend to do whenever anything even vaguely out of the ordinary punctuates my day, I text-messaged my three daughters with the news: “Just saw the guv’nah @ Shaw’s!” Were they impressed? Well, here’s what I got back in response:
Woooo pretty cool! :)
Whattaya know! Did you talk to him?
wow!!! big friday night for deval patrick
Hmmm. . . . They say that text messaging is “tone deaf,” but somehow I came away with the impression that someone was being “disrespected” by those messages. Knowing that my daughters admire the Governor as much as I do, I have to figure that I was the one being denied just a little bit of R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Not so, though, a few months ago when I texted those same three sardonic ladies from the airport in Albuquerque (of all places) where I had just seen another, though considerably lesser, local politician: talk about “out of context”! (But don’t talk about him as “considerably lesser”: his very large ego would be very badly bruised . . .) This was a guy whom, as a family, we had actively—and successfully—worked to defeat a couple of years ago in a hotly-contested election. So how did my daughters respond to the news that I had just seen him?
wow! did you say hi?
that sucks…safe travels!
Oh goshhhh….what is he doing there???
Well, that’s not quite all that was written . . . but rather than risk a libel suit, I’ll stop right there. And right here.
Dad! I wasn't disrespecting you with that text about Deval!!! But...I was disrespecting someone else earlier this year...obviously. :)
Love you!!!!
I'm trying to guess which ones were Mairead's and Caitriona's texts and I think I got it right...and I'm still proud of my "big friday night for deval patrick" text because i thought it was on the witty side of things...
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